Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The main conflict within the myth is that Cronus eats all of his children so they cannot take his throne from him, but his wife Rhea hides one of the children away. Cronus was a very greedy god and he overthrew his father to take the throne of the world and he didnt want that to happen to him. Ctonus had devowered every one of his children that Rhea had given to him, with the exception of Zeus. Rhea decieved her husband and tricked him into thinking that a rock was the baby, though she had already sent Zeus to the island of Crete to keep him hiden. This conflict also leads to another, Zeus overthrowing his father with the help of his siblings. Zeus finally came of the age to take the throne, he also decived his father and tricked him into eating an herb that pretty much made him throw up his children that he had earlier devowered. With the help of his siblings Zeus became the new god of the sky.

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